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Grief and Sorrow

It’s October here.  The weather is getting cooler and I feel fall in the air. 

I don’t know if you’ll read this post this fall, this October or later.

I do hope this post brings you both comfort and enjoyment.  

I saw grief drinking a cup of sorrow and called out,

”It tastes sweet, does it not?”

“You’ve caught me,” grief answered,

“and you’ve ruined my business,

how can i sell sorrow when you know

it’s a blessing.

Rumi (1207-1273)

Writing Prompts:

Memories & Relationship:

Write all the memories about the person/situation/place you’re grieving over. What made it special? These memories can be happy, sad, or even mundane.

Express Unfinished Conversations:

Write a letter/poem/song/video to the person/situation you are grieving over, expressing anything you wish you could have said.

Capture Your Emotions:

Describe the emotions you had before, during, and after the loss. How did their feelings change over time? Did any emotions surprise you?

Explore Regrets and Guilt:

Grief can sometimes be accompanied by regrets or feelings of guilt. Explore these emotions in your writing and consider ways of how you can forgive yourself.

Highlight Support Systems:

Write about the people who offered support during the grieving process. How did their presence and contributions affect your grief experience?

Share Coping Strategies:

What coping strategies have you used or discovered during your grief journey? What helped you navigate your pain?

Reflect on Changes:

Grief often leads to personal growth and transformation. Reflect on how you’ve changed since the loss and what you’ve learned about yourself.

Celebrate Contributions:

Celebrate the impact the person/ thing you lost had on you. Write about the impact they had on you.

Visualize Healing:

Write a passage envisioning a future where the pain has eased and full healing has taken place. What does life look like in this healed state?

Grief is a pain

we don’t expect.

It comes in waves and

in varying intensity.

We all have experienced grief.

If you feel it and not

avoid it or suppress it,

it is a welcome friend.


Take time for you 

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What brave thing(s) will you do this moment?  Drop me a note if you like.  

I wish you well,


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